Tuesday, April 4, 2017

DK Find Out!

Product Description:

This is a website created and maintained by DK. This website allows for interactive images on multiple topics for the classroom. Think of the ThingLinks I talked about in a previous blog and you have the idea.

Glitchy Review:
When I found this website I was really excited about it. Then I got into the nitty-gitty of the website and the excitement started to fade. While this website is still strong with information the layout and interaction could get boring for students the more you use it. I strongly caution using this website sparingly. My students-were like me- excited at first but as we used it more got bored and eventually stopped reading the great information on the website. The interactive pictures have great introductory information on them as well as their linked pages. Again, I want to reiterate introductory information. The website is perfect for setting students up to begin a unit or review key points of the unit, but really digging in deep is not its forte. It does include a short quiz for students to take when they are done with a particular section, again the information is rote at best and does not really align with the Common Core standards. Overall, it’s great for introductions and reviews of basic topics to make sure students have these mastered before move on. This is not a product to use to go deeper into a subject though. BEST part it is FREE!!! (We teachers love free!)

User Rating:
This website is level 1 where you can pop in and go! Great for all grade levels!

Glitchy Rating:
I would give this a 3 out of 5 because of the repetition of the layout and the lack of going deeper into topics/skills.

Go check it out for yourself!  Click here!

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