Saturday, March 4, 2017


Product Description:
This website allows the reader to visually see the world history. The website contains "TimeMaps" which are a combination of an encyclopedia and atlas. This allows students to see all the different historic events happening at the same time around the world.

Glitchy Review:
I stumbled on this website a few months ago and to be honest I don't remember how. I remember thinking this is a great resource! As time went on I would teach a part of history and then go "Oh! I forgot to use this!" Oh how I wish I would have remembered. When I finally did remember and show my students this website you should have heard the "OHS!" coming through the room! You know that amazing teacher moment when the students finally get the clear understanding and everything finally makes sense! That amazing moment that we as teachers strive for! I was so happy to have done this; I kick myself for not doing this sooner. The best part of this website is the thought, research, and dedication put into this website is astounding. Reading about the history of this website and how each of the maps are made is interesting within itself. There really was thought put into how this will and does benefit the student. How this can work for the teacher in their classroom and what they can do to make it better.

This website offers so much more to the user than any book or activity could. It has lessons for the teachers as well as articles for the students on topics pertaining to each map. While most of these great features are free, there are things you would have to pay for. For example, there are interactive maps which you can buy and download to your iPhone or iPad which allow for even more detail that what is available on the website. I could go on and on, however I believe you should go check it out for yourself. Click here to go check this out.

User Rating:
This is easily a level 1 website for any user. While adding the apps will take using of an iPad or iPhone into play, but the actual app is very user friendly.

Glitchy Rating:
I give this website a 4 out of 5 simply because finding the lessons and apps can get a bit confusing but easy for even a novice tech user to figure out.

Just a few pictures to show you what I am talking about!

Thursday, March 2, 2017


This post is going to be different from my others. I will NOT be reviewing a website, extension, or app. In fact, while going through my research for extensions for teachers to use, I have come across some things I believe teachers should know. Being a teacher who uses technology daily in my classroom, I work to make sure my students are using the technology properly. This has brought me to this post about extensions. Most extensions out there are amazing and great for work, classroom, blogging, social media, etc. However, there are extensions out there that not only teachers should be aware of, but parents as well.  I have caught a couple of my students trying to install some of these onto their Chromebooks at school. With our students being so techy I am not surprised they have found these already; especially when I have students who have already changed the layout and theme of the Chromebook within the first week of using them! (Gotta give it to my students for figuring that out when I wasn't planning on telling them.) Anyway, here are the extensions I have found and ones I have found my students trying to install.

I have gone through and categorized the extensions to allow you to know what the extension does. Feel free to share this information with parents as well! Please note all listed extensions are rate 4 stars or higher.

Extensions which allow you to BYPASS firewalls, unblock websites, etc:

  • Free Proxy to Unblock any sites
  • Gom VPN aka Go away MDA
  • Unblock embedded Youtube videos
  • Stealthy
  • Incognito-Filter
  • ProxyList
  • FastStunnel VPN unblack sites & Proxy
  • Privacy Manager
  • Veil Duck
  • Auto Proxy
  • aProxy
  • Privatix
  • Hotspot Shield Free VPN
  • ZenMate VPN
  • Unblock Now
  • FlexiPrivacy
Extensions which BLOCKS content:
  • Adult Blocker
  • Simple Porn Blocker
  • Parental Control & Porn Blocker
  • TinyFilter Pro
  • Simple Blocker (allows user to create a list of restricted websites only accessible by password.)
  • See No Evil (youtube block only)
Extensions which ERASE/ Leave NO history:
  • No History
  • Forget that Page
  • Incognito for Chrome
  • Recent History & Clear
  • History Cleaner
Safety Extensions:
  • Location Guard
  • iGuard